Additional BRAND-NEW Capacity @ Manitowoc Tool!

ANOTHER Brand-New Stamping Press coming to Manitowoc Tool and Manufacturing, LLC!

The pit is being prepared, and concrete is being poured today for the anticipated arrival of our BRAND-NEW 440-ton SEYI Stamping Press. The press is set to arrive in a couple of weeks, and be production ready by April 1st. This is the 4th stamping press purchased in the last 6-months.

Along with the new presses, we are anxiously awaiting Spring weather so we can begin working on our 34,000 square foot facility expansion. The new addition will house new production stamping equipment.

Big things happening at Manitowoc Tool and Manufacturing, LLC!

Manitowoc Tool & Manufacturing, LLC – 4330 Expo Drive – (920) 686-8232 –


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